Support Materials

Support Poster

This was designed to be printed off as a 8.5 x 14 inch poster but resize and use it as you see fit. Grab the pdf below, print it off and post it up at your bookstore, social center, or coffee shop to show support and spread the word! Solidarity!


The pdf for the small version of the poster linked under the images prints off with 4 handbills on an 8.5 x 14 inch sheet as shown below. If you’re a bookstore or a distro you could tuck these into each of your mail orders that you are shipping out. These could also be distributed at events or you could leave a stack somewhere with a lot of foot traffic!





And with the tri-fold a stack could be brought to a letter-writing night or left on the counter at a coffee shop or social center. You could hand them out at a political event or bring them to a show and do the same. Download it, print it off and help us spread the word! Solidarity!