Let’s make sure Peppy knows just how much support he has from all over the country and all over the world! Whether you sit down and write him one evening or get together with friends and all send him letters of support and solidarity! Never forget just how much each and every letter will mean day after day, week after week!
To write to Peppy, address the mail to:
( Peppy is now in transit. We will be updating this page soon )
Please be careful what you include in your letter to Peppy. Since he’s pre-trial and all mail will be monitored please don’t ask him about the case. Discussing any aspect of the case could come back to haunt him at any stage while the case is open. But don’t be afraid to let him know about a hike you just went on or a meal you just made with friends! The details of such events will help him get away from the isolation that he faces every day!
NYC ABC has a page on their website that serves as a great intro for anyone who has not written to a political prisoner before. Check it out before writing to Peppy for some helpful hints! nycabc.wordpress.com/write-a-letter/
As your’re sitting down to write that first letter to Peppy please know he’s looking forward to hearing from any and all supporters! And if you’re wondering what to write make note that Peppy really likes skateboarding, comedy, and uplifting and heartwarming stories. Autumn is his favorite season, so beautiful descriptions of the changing colors we see in Pittsburgh or wherever you may be writing him from would really hit the spot. As for Pittsburgh specifically and the aesthetically pleasing aspects of this city, he’d love to hear about your favorite spots. Maybe it’s one of the bridges or the city steps that go up hillsides! Peppy also likes hearing about and learning about people and places all over the globe. So, feel free to reach out and connect on any of those topics!